Entries by council

Tootsie Roll Drive

On Saturday November16 and Saturday November 23 brother knights of Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus will spread throughout Manchester by-the Sea for the Order’s Campaign for Young People with Physical, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities commonly known as “the Tootsie Roll Drive”. Tootsie Rolls will be exchanged in thanks for donations placed in canisters held […]

Annual Knights of Columbus Fall Fundraiser Raffle Kicks Off

The 2024 Annual Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus Fall Fundraiser Raffle gets underway this week with ticket sales in full swing throughout Cape Ann now through the raffle drawing date, Columbus Day Weekend, Sunday October 13 at St John the Baptist church, Essex at 11:00am. Last year record funds totaling $45,794 were raised and […]

Knights of Columbus Food Drive for The Open Door Continues

Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus Manchester by -the Sea issues a friendly reminder that the food drive it began in 2018 to benefit The Open Door Food Pantry of Gloucester and Ipswich continues and has intensified. The need for nutritious food is always present, but the need on Cape Ann is greater now than […]

Guest Speaker Father Bill Minigan

Father Minigan is no stranger to Visitation Parish-Sacred Heart, Manchester by the Sea and St John’s, Essex. Father Bill filled in for Father Paul during his cardiac recovery last fall. A Beverly native, Father Bill retired to Gloucester two years ago after 20 years serving as pastor of St Joseph parish in Malden. Two decades […]