Entries by council

Dr. Thomas Sullivan speaker

Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus Manchester by the Sea is pleased to announce that its first scheduled speaker for 2020 on Thursday January 9th a t6:45 pm in Sacred Heart parish hall School St Manchester by the Sea will be Dr. Thomas Sullivan who will speak on critical life issues from conception to end […]

Open Door annual awards breakfast

Fred and Valerie Johnson of Manchester by the Sea honored by the Open Door Food Pantry and receive the Helen Muise Award for outstanding volunteer service to benefit Open Door activities Julie LaFontaine, executive director of the Open Door presented the awards and said, “Nothing would get done without the dedicated volunteers and staff members […]

ALPHA begins at our parish this spring

The ALPHA Program will begin on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We will begin with a dinner, watch a video and then break into small discussion groups. Our ALPHA program will run for 10 weeks. Bring your appetite, your questions and ask anything about life, faith and God. Come join us.

ALPHA Program

Our January speaker series featured a presentation from ALPHA. The program will begin in February 2020. For more information visit http://www.mecatholic.org/alpha-session

Eric Anderson, Organist and Music Ministry

Eric Anderson recently spoke to the council and his topic was “why Catholics don’t sing”. He attributed this to the Irish Catholics being persecuted by the Protestant English rule during the early 1900’s.

2019 Winter Coat Drive

The Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus, Manchester-by-the-Sea asks parishioners of Sacred Heart, Manchester- by the Sea and St. John, Essex, as well as all residents of Cape Ann, to donate new and slightly used coats, jackets, windbreakers and foul weather gear for men, women and children of all ages to be given to those […]

Rick DeSanctis, host of Catholic Shepherd

Our speakers for Sept 5 will be John Kwiatek, who briefly speak about the 40 Days for Life Program that begins Sept 25. Our featured speaker will be Rick DeSanctis, creator and host of Catholic Shepherd. Rick will speak about Catholic Shepherd and what motivates him to do what he does (i.e. organize a Catholic […]

Kelly Fernald, Head of School, Saints Academy

Mrs. Kelly Fernald, Principal This is my 19th year working in a Catholic School. I have taught grades 3 through 5, but spent the majority of my time in grade 5 (16 years +1 helping with Math) and now this is my 2nd year in administration (1 year as Assistant Principal). I very much enjoyed […]

Scholarships for graduating seniors

In the past year, Council 1232: successfully created The Father Jack Gentleman Scholarship Fund for graduating MERHS seniors to honor the late pastor of Sacred Heart