Entries by council

Corey Jackson, Citizens for Adequate Housing

Corey Jackson, He is the president of Citizens for Adequate Housing, of the north Shore. They have been keeping families together for over thirty years. Corey is very knowledgeable, and an engaging speaker. http://cahns.org/ Citizens for Adequate Housing, Inc. breaks the patterns of instability that lead to homelessness for every family served. Want to help […]

Casa Playhouse reached $10,000 goal

Words cannot express how much we appreciated your support and fabulous playhouse that was built to raise awareness and money for our CASA Program, a program where concerned citizens volunteer their time to advocate for abused and neglected children in foster care.  With your help, we reached our $10,000 goal!!  We received a special thank […]

Beth Gillander, Big Brothers Big Sisters

Beth Gillander, the Community Engagement and Recruitment Manager of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Baymakes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 7-12. Bigs and Littles participate in fun, no-cost, low-cost activities together in the community twice a month, for at least a […]

Father Jack Gentleman Memorial Scholarship Fund

For the past eleven years Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus awarded scholarships to deserving seniors graduating from MERHS. Last year it doubled the amount granted and renamed the program in honor of the much loved pastor of Sacred Heart Manchester-by the Sea and St. John’s Essex, the late Rev. John Gentleman. The program is […]

Lenten Crosses

Many area residents have commented on the significance and meaning of Lenten tableau of three crosses displayed on the lawn of Sacred Heart church fronting heavily trafficked School Street, Manchester-by the Sea. “The tableau of crosses, a graphic representation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, is meant to be thought provoking. Traditionally we see the […]

FOCUS Lay Missionary Michael Gearing

At its March monthly meeting held at 7 Central, Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus hosted former Beverly resident and Endicott College graduate Michael Gearing, who summarized his role as a Catholic lay missionary in a university environment at MIT. A recent convert to Catholicism himself, Gearing has spent the past two years as a […]

Masconomo Council 12232 Knights of Columbus Receives Star Council Award

Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus Manchester by the-Sea, received the prestigious Star Council Award that recognizes outstanding achievement in church and community service programs and a vital membership enrollment program. It was awarded the coveted designation by the international Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, based in Washington DC. Only five percent of Massachusetts’ 280 […]

Hot Meals in downtown Beverly

Some Council members helped set up, serve, clean up at a hot meal program in downtown Beverly at the First Baptist Church December 7th.