Drive for Sox to benefit Boston area homeless shelters

The Masconomo Council of the Knights of Columbus is running a “Drive for Sox” from now until the Red Sox begin Spring Training in late February.  Look for the bins in the back of Sacred Heart Church and St. John the Baptist Church labelled “Sock Drive”.  We accept donations of all kinds of socks, but they need to be new and clean!

95d823b3c9c0914bb556313854d15b93It may sound like a small thing, but clean socks are a big deal for those struggling with homelessness or health problems.  Your donation will go toward Fr. John Capuci’s “Sock Ministry”.  Fr. John is a friend of Fr. Paul’s.  He started his Sock Ministry in New Orleans, and now that Fr. John has moved to Burlington, MA, he has continued his Sock Ministry to benefit Boston area homeless shelters.

As the cold weather bears down on us, please do your part and donate a few (or more!) pairs of socks to the bins in the back of the church before the end of February.  Thanks for your help!