Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship Lots of Fun on a Wintry Day

Shooters Turnout for Masconomo Council 1232 Event

The competition will be held in the gym at Manchester Memorial Elementary School and is open to all boys and girls who are residents of Manchester and Essex and / or students of MERSD, ages 9-14 years old. (as of 01/01/2025).

Where:  Manchester Memorial Elementary School

When:   Sunday January 26

Time:    Registration 11AM

Start 11:30AM / Free Throw Contest 11:30am-1:30pm

It’s FUN and it’s FREE. 

There will be FREE snacks for all and AWARDS for the winners for of each age group. And we’ll finish up with a drawing for two (1 boy and 1 girl) $50.00 gift cards to Dick’s Sporting Goods that all of the kids are eligible for.

Plaques for boys and girls will be awarded to winners in each age group. The winners will then be eligible to compete in the Regional Championship to be held in the coming months. In the last two years Manchester / Essex winners went on to victory in District and Regional Championship competition.

Walk-in registration will also be available starting at 11:00 AM in the gym. Parents are required to sign their child’s application for consent and age verification. There is NO FEE to participate.

We hope everyone can make it and don’t be shy about inviting friends that may not have participated in the past.  If they are between 9 and 14 years old as of January 1, 2025, they’re eligible.

If you need any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact Fred Newton or David Slade. We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Fred Newton

C: 508-725-7017


David Slade

C: 978-767-0297


We look forward to seeing kids shooting on the court!

Download and fill out the application and e-mail it to:
Fred Newton

or David Slade