Entries by council

Marcos Enrique Man On A Mission To Grow & Strengthen The Church

Masconomo Council 1232’s November dinner speaker Marcos Enrique is a seminarian with a difference. In his ninth year of studies, he expects to be ordained a deacon next year. Why so long in seminaries in DC and Brighton? After receiving his undergraduate degree at Catholic University of America and two graduate degrees in philosophy, Marcos […]

Stations the Cross for Saints Academy

Hugh Gaffney’s Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Builds Way of the Cross for Saints Academy Stations Formerly Housed in St. Alphonsus, Beverly Repurposed for Outdoor Prayer and Meditation Beverly Farms Life Scout Hugh Gaffney, Jr., son of Karen and Hugh Gaffney, Sr. chose an ambitious Eagle Scout project that will benefit his school, the new […]

2017 Scholarship Recipients

Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus 2017 scholarship recipients and their parents are shown with enlarged bank checks. Council Chaplain Father Paul Flammia and Grand Knight Tom Finn at St John the Evangelist Church Essex. Recipients with enlarged checks are (shown left to right): Jack Colpoy MERHS; Maddy Conway MERHS; Antonio Gillespie MERHS; Niamh Dalton, […]

Star Council Award for 2017

Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus Receives Star Council Award for 2017 For the second consecutive year Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus Manchester by the-Sea, received the prestigious Star Council Award that recognizes outstanding achievement in church and community service programs and a vital membership enrollment program. It was awarded the coveted designation by […]

Clergy Cookout

The 7th Annual Father Jack Clergy Cookout Held at Tucks’ Point June 24th –Hosted by Parishioners of Sacred Heart , Manchester-by the Sea and St. John’s Essex and Masconomo Council 1232 Knights of Columbus   Seven years ago Father Jack Gentleman recognized in Manchester-by the Sea a unique opportunity to honor the retired Catholic priests […]