Entries by council

Drive for Sox to benefit Boston area homeless shelters

The Masconomo Council of the Knights of Columbus is running a “Drive for Sox” from now until the Red Sox begin Spring Training in late February.  Look for the bins in the back of Sacred Heart Church and St. John the Baptist Church labelled “Sock Drive”.  We accept donations of all kinds of socks, but […]

Webster Bull, L’Arche volunteer

L’Arche is an International Federation dedicated to the creation and growth of homes, programs, and support networks with people who have intellectual disabilities. A local “assistant” of L’Arche , Webster Bull, will tell his story of how he came to volunteer at the group, how he finds it so personally fulfilling and how others may […]

Focus Fellowship of Catholic University Students

Phillip Wullschleger a focus missionary was the October speaker.   He shared his journey: I’ve lived my whole life in the Catholic Church; however, I didn’t really know Jesus Christ until my least of college. In my last year of college, a FOCUS missionary invited me out for pizza after mass one day. As a college […]

Fall Fund Raiser

Last weekend Masconomo Council 1232 Manchester by-the Sea Knights of Columbus successfully concluded its annual fall fundraiser. That signature Council program supports a wide range of charitable activities of which Council 1232 can be justifiably proud. The generosity of parishioners from Sacred Heart, Manchester by- the Sea and St John’s, Essex, as well as that […]

Tootsie Roll Drive

The council raised $453.70 this past week for the “Tootsie Roll drive” which has nationally distributed millions of dollars in support of people with intellectual disabilities. Most of these funds have been focused toward children and Special Olympics. The cause touches all communities; the need grows enormously. Year after year Manchester residents and shoppers from […]

Jennifer Perry and Tyler Maclay of The Open Door

Jennifer Perry and Tyler Maclay presented to the council the services and programs that The Open Door provides. The Food Pantry, which provides emergency groceries to those in need. Community Meals, which offers free, nutritious meals to those in need of food or companionship. Second Glance Thrift Store, which provides the public with reduced-cost clothing […]

Shed project underway

The week 1 kick-off to build the shed is underway. Thanks to the fellow brothers for pitching in Saturday.

2018 Food Drive

Baskets will be located at both Sacred Heart and St. John’s church for food collection. Food donations will be collected and delivered to The Open Door Pantry for those in need on Cape Ann.